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Corporate Services

The Value of Advice

In today's complex marketplace, corporations face unique and multi-faceted financial challenges. My expertise and experience in the financial industry allow me to provide customized solutions to help identify and mitigate risks, develop investment strategies, and optimize tax planning, leading to better financial decisions, increased profitability and growth. Solid advice can give your corporation the competitive edge in a challenging landscape.

Contact us to get started ➠

Investment Solutions

Asset Management and Investment Solutions

When you’re managing day-to-day business priorities, it can be challenging to also find time to manage your investment needs.

Depending on your situation, you may need to:

  • Optimize your business cash flow by investing in liquid or short-term investments
  • Maximize returns on excess cash by investing in longer-term investments
  • Withdraw surplus cash to invest outside your business in a tax-efficient way

Corporate Insurance Solutions

Whether your business is in its early stages, growing or maturing, being incorporated allows you to benefit from a multitude of strategies at a lower tax rate. These strategies range from covering the basics all the way to sophisticated structures put in place so that can help you protect yourself, your partners and your family in ways that are extremely tax-efficient.

Some of these strategies include:

  • Life Insurance (term and permanent)
  • Business Overhead Expense
  • Disability Buy/Sell
  • Split Dollar Critical Illness Insurance
  • Immediate Financing Agreement (IFA)
  • Insured Retirement Plan (IRP)

Insurance Solutions

Planning for Retirement

Retirement Planning

Entrepreneurs can’t rely on a company pension plan to fund their golden years. They must take extra steps to create their own retirement savings.

Here are some of the areas we touch on to help you plan well to enjoy the retirement you deserve.

  • Building a long-term investment portfolio (TFSA, RRSP, more)
  • Individual Pension Plan (IPP)
  • Cash Value Life Insurance Policy
  • Split Dollar Critical Illness Insurance
  • Insured Retirement Plan (IRP)
  • Create an exit strategy for your business

Tax Minimization

Taxes are a part of life. Make it a potentially smaller part—to help preserve your wealth and reach your goals—by including tax strategies in your plans such as :

  • Different forms of income splitting
  • Tax-efficient investment vehicles
  • Investing in registered accounts
  • Different forms of charitable giving
  • Distribution of assets between your accounts
  • Approaches for transferring wealth to beneficiaries
  • Potential structures, such as holding companies and insurance

Estate Planning

Group and Business Solutions

Legacy and Estate Planning

  • Tax-efficient strategies to transfer your wealth to your chosen beneficiaries
  • Determining potential trust options that may be appropriate
  • Considering options for charitable giving to leave a lasting legacy
  • Reviewing asset ownership structures and planning for taxes at death
  • Considering potential insurance strategies and coverage needs
  • Evaluating your objectives based on your current financial situation
  • Different methods for transferring your assets
  • Reviewing your existing Will and estate plans to ensure they still meet your wishes and objectives
  • Planning considerations to help preserve family harmony or address unique family situations

Legal Aspects

A licensed financial planner has good general knowledge of the legal field. He takes your rights and obligations into account when he offers you financial planning advice.

Overall, the legal environment affects everything related to:

  • Civil status
  • Matrimonial regime
  • Protection mechanisms for minors and adults incapable of giving consent
  • Various types of mandates and powers of attorney

Group and Business Solutions